Chapter 14 Economic Activities Around Us Notes & Summary
05/11/2024Chapter 2 Oceans and Continents Very Short Question
05/11/2024Very Short Question Answers: Oceans and Continents
Very Short Answer Questions
Q1: What is the primary color of Earth when viewed from space?
Ans: Blue, due to the vast amounts of water.
Q2: Which continent has the most land in the Northern Hemisphere?
Ans: Asia.
Q3: What is the Indian Navy’s motto?
Ans: “Sam noh Varunah.”
Q4: Name the five major oceans.
Ans: Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic, Southern.
Q5: What causes seawater to be salty?
Ans: Rivers wash salt from land into the oceans.
Q6: What is the smallest of the five oceans?
Ans: Arctic Ocean.
Q7: What major natural disaster can tsunamis be triggered by?
Ans: Earthquakes.
Q8: What are the two important parts of the Indian Ocean on either side of India?
Ans: Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal.
Q9: What role do clouds play in the water cycle?
Ans: They bring rain to the continents.
Q10: What system helps detect tsunamis before they reach the coast?
Ans: Early warning system.
Q11: How many continents are commonly accepted worldwide?
Ans: Seven.
Q12: What is the largest island in the world?
Ans: Greenland.
Q13: Which two continents are often grouped together as ‘Eurasia’?
Ans: Europe and Asia.
Q14: What is the title given to oceans due to their oxygen production?
Ans: The planet’s lungs.
Q15: On what date is World Oceans Day celebrated?
Ans: June 8.
Q16: What role do oceans play in the Earth’s water cycle?
Ans: They help produce rainfall.
Q17: Name one major way humans have historically interacted with oceans.
Ans: Trade.
Q18: What are the two main island groups in India?
Ans: Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep Islands.
Q19: What environmental issue is caused by human activities in oceans?
Ans: Pollution.
Q20: Which continent is known for its extreme cold climate and research stations?
Ans: Antarctica.