Chapter 6 The Beginnings of Indian Civilisation Very Short Question
05/11/2024Chapter 8 Unity in Diversity, or ‘Many in the One’ Very Short Question
05/11/2024Very Short Question Answers: India’s Cultural Roots
Q1. What are the Vedas?
Ans: The most ancient texts of India, comprising hymns and prayers recited orally.
Q2. How many Vedas are there?
Ans: Four – Ṛig Veda, Yajur Veda, Sāma Veda, and Atharva Veda.
Q3. What language were the Vedic hymns composed in?
Ans: Early Sanskrit.
Q4. Who composed the Vedic hymns?
Ans: Rishis and rishikas (male and female seers or sages).
Q5. Name some deities mentioned in the Vedas.
Ans: Indra, Agni, Varuṇa, Mitra, Sarasvatī, Uṣhas, among others.
Q6. What does ṛitam refer to in Vedic texts?
Ans: Truth and cosmic order.
Q7. How did the Vedic seers view the deities?
Ans: As manifestations of a single supreme reality.
Q8. Which values were particularly important in Vedic culture?
Ans: Truth and unity among people.
Q9. How was early Vedic society organized?
Ans: Into various clans or janas.
Q10. What were some professions mentioned in the Vedas?
Ans: Agriculturist, weaver, potter, carpenter, healer, priest, etc.
Q11. What are the Upaniṣhads?
Ans: Texts that developed philosophical ideas based on the Vedas.
Q12. What concept did the Upaniṣhads introduce?
Ans: Rebirth (reincarnation) and karma (law of cause and effect).
Q13. According to Vedanta, what is the ultimate divine essence?
Ans: Brahman.
Q14. What is ātman in the context of the Upaniṣhads?
Ans: The individual soul, ultimately identical with Brahman.
Q15. Who founded Buddhism?
Ans: Siddhārtha Gautama, later known as the Buddha.
Q16. What led Siddhārtha Gautama to leave his palace life?
Ans: Witnessing old age, sickness, death, and an ascetic who seemed at peace.
Q17. Where did the Buddha attain enlightenment?
Ans: Under a pipal tree at Bodh Gaya.
Q18. What principle did the Buddha emphasize?
Ans: Ahimsa (non-violence) and inner discipline.
Q19. What does the term ‘Jina’ mean in Jainism?
Ans: Conqueror, referring to one who conquers ignorance and attachments.
Q20. Who founded Jainism?
Ans: Vardhamāna Mahāvīra.
Q21. What are the key teachings of Jainism?
Ans: Ahimsa (non-violence), anekāntavāda (non-absolutism), aparigraha (non-possessiveness).
Q22. What do the Jātaka tales describe?
Ans: Stories of the Buddha’s past lives and teachings.
Q23. How do tribal traditions view elements of nature?
Ans: As sacred, often associated with deities or spirits.
Q24. Which Indian state is known for its Toda tribal community?
Ans: Tamil Nadu.
Q25. What is the significance of Donyipolo in tribal beliefs?
Ans: A combined form of the Sun and Moon worshipped as a supreme deity.
Q26. What term did ancient Indians use for ‘tribes’?
Ans: Jana.
Q27. How has the interaction between tribal and Hindu beliefs influenced Indian culture?
Ans: Enriched both through mutual borrowing of deities, rituals, and concepts.
Q28. Who composed the Mahābhārata and Rāmāyaṇa epics?
Ans: Valmiki and Vyasa, respectively.
Q29. Name a significant ethical principle shared by Vedic, Buddhist, and Jain traditions.
Ans: Ahimsa (non-violence).
Q30. What characterizes the Ātman in the Upaniṣhads?
Ans: The divine essence within each individual, identical to Brahman.
Q31. Where did the Vedic hymns originate?
Ans: In the Sapta Sindhava region (northwest Indian subcontinent).
Q32. How were the Vedas transmitted over generations?
Ans: Orally, through rigorous memorization and recitation.
Q33. What role did Agni play in Vedic rituals?
Ans: Central deity associated with fire, receiving offerings.
Q34. Who was Mahāvīra?
Ans: Founder of Jainism, known as the ‘great hero’.
Q35. What is the central theme of the Vedas?
Ans: Invocation of deities for various worldly and spiritual benefits.
Q36. How did the Buddha achieve enlightenment?
Ans: Through meditation and realization of the causes of human suffering.
Q37. Name a famous mantra from the Upaniṣhads.
Ans: “Aham Brahmāsmi” (I am Brahman).
Q38. What do the Vedic hymns primarily consist of?
Ans: Prayers and hymns addressed to various deities.
Q39. What geographical region is associated with the Vedic civilization?
Ans: Northwestern part of the Indian subcontinent (Sapta Sindhava).
Q40. What concept of truth was significant in Vedic philosophy?
Ans: Ṛitam, representing cosmic order and truth in human life.