NCERT Class 6 Khel Yatra Physical Education and Well-being Text Book
04/11/2024NCERT Class 6 Urdu Khayal Text Book
04/11/2024NCERT Class 6 Kaushal Bodh Vocational Education Text Book Solution
Project: 04 Annexure: 04
NCERT Grade 6th Vocational Education text book Kaushal Bodh and Well-being all chapters' solutions provided here, are prepared by expert teachers of These solutions will help students to finish their homework in Vocational Education and Well-being subject and prepare for class tests, half yearly exams and annual exams and obtain excellent marks. These solutions are also helpful for teachers who teach grade 6th Vocational Education text book Kaushal Bodh .

Part 1: Work with Life Forms
- Project 1: School Kitchen Garden
- Project 2: Biodiversity Register
Part 2: Work with Machines and Materials
Part 2: Work with Machines and Materials
- Project 3: Maker Skills
- Project 4: Animation and Games
Part 3: Work in Human Services
Part 3: Work in Human Services
- Project 5: School Museum
- Project 6: Cooking without Fire
- Annexure 1: Project Template
- Annexure 2: Curricular Goals and Learning Outcomes for Grade 6
- Annexure 3: Exemplar Projects for Grades 6 to 8
- Annexure 4: Time Allocation and Mapping of Learning Outcomes