Chapter 01 A Bottle of Dew Solutions
05/11/2024Chapter 03 Rama to the Rescue Solutions
05/11/2024Chapter 02 The Raven and The Fox
Text Book Solutions
Let us do these activities before we read
1. We know that frogs croak. Did you know that ravens also croak?
2. Which animal is shown to be cunning in stories? Circle the correct answer.
(a) tiger
(b) fox
(c) bear
The animal that is shown to be cunning in stories is (b) fox.

Let us discuss
1. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct option.
(a) Stanza 1
(i) Mr Raven is a __________. (bird/frog)
Ans: bird
(ii) The name of the fox is __________. (Raven/Reynard)
Ans: Reynard
(iii) Mr Raven had __________ in his beak. (a piece of food/ a bunch of leaves)
Ans: a piece of food
(b) Stanza 2
(i) The Fox calls the Raven a __________ bird. (foolish/good-looking)
Ans: good-looking
(ii) The Fox asks the Raven to __________. (dance/sing)
Ans: sing
(iii) The Raven and the Fox live in the __________. (trees/woods)
Ans: woods
(c) Stanza 3
(i) The Raven ___________ that he croaked. (remembered/forgot)
Ans: forgot
(ii) The Raven opened its beak to ___________. (eat/sing)
Ans: sing
(iii) The ___________ fell down. (food/Raven)
Ans: food
(d) Stanza 4
(i) The Fox ___________ at the Raven. (laughed/looked)
Ans: laughed
(ii) It is not ___________ to be too proud of oneself. (wise/unwise)
Ans: wise
(iii) The Raven learnt a ______________. (lesson/teaching)
Ans: lesson
2. Read the poem again and match the words in Column A with their meanings in Column B. Check your answers with your teacher and
your classmates.

Let us think and reflect
Q1: Look at the pictures and number them in the order that they happen in the poem.
Mr Raven perched upon a limb.
Reynard the Fox looking up at him.
The Raven opening his beak.
The morsel falling down.
Q2: Read the following lines and answer the questions that follow.
(a) Sir Raven, you are a handsome bird.
Such feathers! If you would only sing,
The birds of these woods would call you King.
(i) ‘Such feathers’ refer to __________________ feathers.
a. shiny and beautiful
b. black and dull
c. grey and long
d. short and unattractive
Ans: a. shiny and beautiful
(ii) Why would the birds of the woods call the Raven ‘King’?
Ans: The birds would call the Raven ‘King’ because the Fox flattered him by saying that his feathers were beautiful and if he could sing, he would be the King of the birds in the woods.
(iii) Why does the Fox address the Raven as ‘Sir’?
Ans: The Fox addresses the Raven as ‘Sir’ to flatter him and make him feel important.
(b) The Raven, who did not see the joke,
Forgot that his voice was just a croak.
He opened his beak, in his foolish pride–
(i) Why did the Raven open his beak?
Ans: The Raven opened his beak to sing, forgetting that his voice was just a croak.
(ii) Complete the following with one word from the given lines.
Fox : clever : : Raven : ______________
Ans: foolish
Q3. Why does the Raven forget that his voice is just a croak?
Ans: The Raven forgets that his voice is just a croak because he is flattered by the Fox’s words and becomes proud.
Q4. How does Reynard make the Raven sing?
Ans: Reynard makes the Raven sing by flattering him and telling him that he is handsome and would be the King of the birds if he could sing.
Q5. Why does Reynard say that pride is not wise?
Ans: Reynard says that pride is not wise because it led the Raven to foolishly open his beak and lose his food.
Q6. Give one reason why the teaching is quite a surprise.
Ans: The teaching is quite a surprise because it reveals that flattery can deceive even those who are usually wise and cautious.
Q7. Imagine someone praises you too much. How would you react?
Ans: If someone praises me too much, I would be cautious and evaluate whether their praise is genuine or if they have an ulterior motive.
Let us learn
Q1. Write the rhyming words from the poem. One has been done for you.
Stanza 1
(a) limb-him
(b) beak-seek
Stanza 2
(a) word-bird
(b) sing-King
Stanza 3
(a) joke-croak
(b) pride-eyed
Stanza 4
(a) know-glow
(b) friend-unwise
Q2. Study the underlined words in the poem.
(a) For the Raven held in his great big beak.
Ans: The words ‘big’ and ‘beak’ begin with the same /b/ sound.
(b) The song of sweet birds.
Ans: The song of sweet birds. The words ‘song’ and ‘sweet’ begin with the same /s/ sound.

Now, pick another example of alliteration from Stanza 2.
Q3. Choose the correct opposites from the box given below and complete the table. There are two extra words that you will not need.


Use any four words from the table given above to make sentences of your own.
The eagle perched on the highest branch and then flew away.
She forgot her homework but remembered it later.
His foolish decision cost him a lot, but a wise one saved him later.
The pride in his achievements was evident, but humility made him a better person.
Let us listen
You will listen to what the crow did after he lost his food. As you listen, mark the given statements as True or False. (refer to page 37 for transcript)
(a) The crow was unhappy that he lost his food.
Ans: True
(b) The crow thought that his lovely feathers made him smart.
Ans: False
(c) The crow wanted to tell his friends not to be proud.
Ans: True
Let us speak
Narrate the poem in the form of a story. Give a different ending to the story. You may begin like this:
This is a story about a clever fox named Reynard and Mr Raven. One day…
Ans: This is a story about a clever fox named Reynard and Mr Raven. One day, Mr Raven was perched upon a limb, holding a piece of food in his beak. Reynard, the Fox, saw him and thought of a plan. He flattered Mr Raven, calling him a handsome bird and suggesting that he would be the King of the birds if he could sing. Mr Raven, flattered by these words, opened his beak to sing, and the food fell down. Reynard quickly grabbed the food and laughed at Mr Raven. Mr Raven felt ashamed and realized that he should not have been so proud. From that day on, Mr Raven became wiser and did not fall for flattery again.
Let us write
Now, write the story you narrated in the form of a conversation.
(Remember to write only the actions for the Raven as he has food in his mouth and does not speak.)
You may begin like this.
Reynard: Good morning, Mr Raven! You seem to be awake so early!
(Mr Raven just nods his head)
Reynard: Oh, Mr Raven, you look …
Reynard: Good morning, Mr Raven! You seem to be awake so early!
(Mr Raven just nods his head)
Reynard: Oh, Mr Raven, you look so handsome today with your shiny feathers! If only you could sing, you would be the King of all birds.
(Mr Raven, flattered, opens his beak to sing)
(The food falls down, and Reynard grabs it)
Reynard: Ha-ha! You see, Mr Raven, pride is not wise. You should not have been so proud and opened your beak.
(Mr Raven looks ashamed and flies away)