Chapter 03 Rama to the Rescue Solutions
05/11/2024Chapter 05 A Friend’s Prayer Solutions
05/11/2024Chapter 04 The Unlikely Best Friends
Text Book Solutions
Let us do these activities before we read. (Page no. 39)
Q1. Friends are an important part of our lives. Why do you think so? Share your ideas with your friend. What do you do when you are with your friends and how do you feel?
Now, complete the following sentences by writing in the shapes
given below. Share your completed sentences with your classmates and teacher. One has been done for you.

Ans. Friends provide companionship, support, and share experiences. They help us feel connected and valued. When I am with my friends, I play games, share stories, and enjoy spending time together. This makes me feel happy, supported, and understood.
Q2. The title of the chapter is ‘The Unlikely Best Friends’.
(a) What can be the meaning of ‘unlikely’? Discuss in groups, and then discuss with your teacher.
Ans. ‘Unlikely’ means something that is not expected to happen or seems improbable. In this context, it suggests that the friendship between Gajaraj and Buntee was unexpected or unusual.
(b) Can you think of some unlikely friends? Share your answer with your teacher.
Ans. Examples of unlikely friends can be a cat and a dog, a lion and a mouse, or a bird and a fish, as they are traditionally seen as enemies or creatures that wouldn’t normally befriend each other.
Let us discuss (Page no. 42)
Q1. Talk about the things that Gajaraj and Buntee did together. Now, write in the shapes given below. One has been done for you.

Ans. Buntee and Gajaraj
ate together
took baths together
spent time together
Q2. Why did the farmer hug Buntee?
Ans. The farmer hugged Buntee because he was glad to find his lost dog.
Q3. Do you think Buntee will leave Gajaraj and go home with the farmer?
Ans. No, Buntee will not leave Gajaraj because they have become close friends.
Let us discuss (Page no. 45)
Q1. Why did Gajaraj not eat his food?
Ans. Gajaraj did not eat his food because he was missing his friend Buntee.
Q2. Who were friends at the end of the story?
Ans. At the end of the story, Gajaraj and Buntee were friends, and so were the mahout and the farmer.
Let us think and reflect (Page no. 45)
Q1. Read the following lines and answer the questions that follow.
(a) In spite of royal comforts, Gajaraj was sad because he had no friends. The mahout, or elephant trainer, was the only one he ever interacted with. The mahout was a kind man who served Gajaraj food, and gave him a bath in the elephant pond daily. He was a good caretaker, but not a friend.
(i) Complete with one word: mahout: kind: : Gajaraj: ___________
Ans. sad
(ii) The mahout was a good caretaker because he gave _________ to Gajaraj and a ______ in the pond.
Ans. food, bath
(iii) What do you think is the difference between a friend and a caretaker?
Ans. A friend shares mutual feelings, companionship, and emotional support, while a caretaker provides physical care and looks after needs.
(b) “Are you missing your friend?” asked the farmer remembering the happy look on Buntee’s face while sitting on the elephant’s back. “I cannot see you go hungry,” said the farmer, “If you miss your friend so much, go to him.” The farmer removed the rope with which he had tied the dog.
(i) The farmer uses the word __________________ to refer to the elephant.
Ans. friend
(ii) How did the farmer know that Buntee was hungry?
Ans. The farmer knew Buntee was hungry because he had not eaten his food since he was brought home.
(iii) Why did the farmer remove the rope with which he had tied Buntee?
Ans. The farmer removed the rope because he realized Buntee missed his friend Gajaraj and wanted to be with him.
(iv) Complete with one word: Gajaraj: Buntee: : __________: farmer
Ans. mahout
Q2. Give two examples to show that Gajaraj was very happy to have a friend.
Ans. Gajaraj splashed water playfully on Buntee and gave him a joyous swing with his trunk.
Q3. How did the mahout come to know that Gajaraj was sad?
Ans. The mahout noticed that Gajaraj was not eating his food and seemed unhappy.
Q4. Why do you think Buntee licked the farmer’s hand?
Ans. Buntee licked the farmer’s hand to show gratitude before running to meet Gajaraj.
Q5. What was ‘unlikely’ about the friendship of Gajaraj and Buntee?
Ans. The friendship was unlikely because an elephant and a dog are not typically seen as friends.
Let us learn (Page no. 46)
Q1. Gajaraj was sad without a friend and when he met Buntee, he was filled with joy. ‘Sad’ and ‘filled with joy’ are opposites. Opposites can also be formed by adding some letters before a word. For example, un- unhappy, in- incorrect, dis- disconnect, mis- misuse.Now, take help from the words given as hints and fill up their opposites in the puzzle. (Note: All the words are from the story you have just read.)

Ans. Across:
3. kind
7. laughed
8. asleep
9. worried
10. found
1. finished
2. disappeared
4. delighted
5. touched
6. love
Q2. Now, complete the paragraph with some of the words you have used in the puzzle.
Ans. My pencil was missing. I was very sad as it was a gift from my friend. I woke up my elder brother who was awake on the bed. I told him that my pencil seemed to have disappeared. He laughed and told me to look under my pillow. I was relieved when I found the pencil there.
Q3. The words that tell us about an action are called verbs. In the story, the author tells us what happened before. To do that, the past form of the action word (verb) is used. Let us learn about the three forms of past tense.

Given below are some verbs from the story. Put the verbs in their correct column in the table given above.
was looking
had ordered
was missing
had followed
was munching
had remained
had tied
Simple Past Tense | Past Progressive Tense | Past Perfect Tense |
looked | was looking | had ordered |
gave | was missing | had followed |
hated | was munching | had remained |
noticed | had tied | |
went | ||
served | ||
told | ||
asked | ||
felt | ||
touched | ||
joined | ||
arrived | ||
threw |
Select the correct form of the verb to complete the passage. Check your answers with the teacher.
The farmer came back and noticed that Buntee was sad. He had tied Buntee with a rope the day before. He asked Buntee why he was sad. Farmer felt that Buntee was missing Gajaraj and set him free.
Let us listen (Page no. 49)
Q1. You will listen to a story about ‘Unlikely Friends’. Use exact words from the story to fill up the missing details in the paragraph. (refer to page 71 for transcript)

Ans. The leopard is a wild animal but it became a friend of a cow. When the leopard grew up, it left the village. It came in the night to meet the cow. The leopard would sit beside the cow. They also played together. Villagers were surprised at their friendship.
Q2. Now, listen to the story again and number the sentences in correct order. The first one has been done for you.
The cow took care of the leopard cub as a mother.
The leopard left the village after growing up.
The leopard came to meet the cow at night.
The leopard stopped coming regularly.