Chapter 07 Neem Baba Solutions
05/11/2024Chapter 09 Spices that Heal Us Solutions
05/11/2024Chapter 08 What a Bird Thought Text Book Solutions
Let us do these activities before we read (Page no. 85)
Q1. Look at the picture and discuss what you see in the picture with your teacher and classmates.
Think of a time when you worked hard. What did you do then?
How did it help you?
How did it make you feel?

Ans: In the picture, I see a small bird sitting on a branch, looking around curiously. There are trees and leaves surrounding the bird, and it seems to be in a forest or garden.
I remember working hard on a science project. I spent many hours researching, gathering materials, and creating a detailed model. It helped me learn a lot about the topic and made me feel accomplished.
Q2. Where are the places you see birds? What do you see the birds doing?
Ans: I see birds in parks, gardens, and on tree branches near my house. I often see them flying, chirping, building nests, and searching for food.
Q3. Do you want to fly like a bird? Why?
Ans: Yes, I would love to fly like a bird because it would be amazing to see the world from above and travel freely wherever I want.
Q4. What does a baby bird think about its world?
Ans: A baby bird might think its world is small and confined to its nest, surrounded by leaves and branches. It might see its mother as its protector and provider.
Q5. Read the sentences and replace the underlined words with their correct meanings.

The colour of the feather was not dark but fluttered.
The butterfly moved light on to the flower.
- At last, I finished my bird painting after trying many times.
The pretty flowers were the prize for the gardener’s labour.
Let us discuss (Page no. 87)
Q1. Read the poem again. Identify the main idea of each stanza. There are two extra given.
(a) The bird steps out into the world.
(b) The bird lived happily in a small world.
(c) The bird becomes blind due to leaves.
(d) The bird flies away as an adult.
(e) The bird is unhappy with the straw nest.
(f) The bird lived in a cosy nest with its mother.
Stanza 1: (b) The bird lived happily in a small world.
Stanza 2: (f) The bird lived in a cosy nest with its mother.
Stanza 3: (a) The bird steps out into the world.
Stanza 4: (d) The bird flies away as an adult.
Q2. Look at the pictures (a)–(d) and write the matching line from the poem for each.
(a) “I thought the world was made of straw”
(b) “I said the world is made of leaves”
(c) “I don’t know how the world is made”
(d) “I lived next in a little nest”
Q3. Answer the following with a word from the poem and check the answers with your partner.
(a) What was the shape of the bird’s first house? Ovoid
(b) What was the bird’s second nest made of? Straw
(c) What did the bird see when it came out of its nest? Leaves
(d) What did the bird do at the end? Flew
Let us think and reflect (Page no. 88)
Q1. Write whether the following sentences are True or False.
(a) The bird changed its house two times. True
(b) The neighbours tell the bird about the world. False
Q2. Read the following lines from the poem and answer the questions given below.
(a) I thought the world was made of straw, And nestled by my mother.
i. Who lived in the nest along with the baby bird?
Ans: The baby bird lived in the nest along with its mother.
ii. Complete the following by choosing the correct option.
The bird thought the world was made of straw because __________.
a. it lived in a straw hut
b. its nest was made of straw
c. its mother fed straw to it
d. there was straw all around
Ans: b. its nest was made of straw
iii. Which word tells us that the baby bird was warm and comfortable?
Ans: “Nestled”
(b) I said the world is made of leaves, I have been very blind.
i. Why did the bird think the world was made of leaves?
Ans: The bird thought the world was made of leaves because when it fluttered out of its nest, it saw leaves all around.
ii. What does the set of words ‘I said’ mean?
Ans: c. spoke
iii. Fill in the blanks to complete the sentence.
Ans: The bird felt that it had been very blind because it could not see the leaves from inside the nest.
Q3. Why did the baby bird think that its first world was small, round, and blue?
Ans: The baby bird thought its first world was small, round, and blue because it lived in an egg, which was small, round, and had a pale blue shell.
Q4. Where did the bird go when it fluttered from its straw nest?
Ans: The bird went beyond the tree when it fluttered from its straw nest.
Q5. What quality did the bird say it had when it flew away?
Ans: The bird said it was “quite fit for grown-up labours.”
Q6. Who do you think were the bird’s neighbours? Why do you think so? Discuss.
Ans: The bird’s neighbours were likely other birds or animals living in the same tree or nearby. They were probably other creatures the bird observed while exploring its surroundings.
Let us learn (Page no. 89)
Q1. Let us write some rhyming words. One has been done for you.

Now, Complete a new stanza with rhyming words at the end of each line.
Ans: I fly high and I fly low, But one thing I surely know, Whenever I wish to rest, My little nest is the best.
Q2. The poet uses words like ‘pale’, ‘blue’, ‘round’, ‘straw’ and ‘little’ to describe the bird’s nest.
Read a few more describing words.
Now, use the describing words given in the box to create six sentences based on the given picture.
(a) The bird has green feathers.
(b) The small bird is sitting on a thin branch.
(c) The nest is hanging on the brown tree.
(d) The wooden tree has pointed leaves.
(e) The bird’s nest is round in shape.
(f) The leaves are green and pointed.
Let us listen (Page no. 90)
Q1You will listen to a short poem. As you listen, fill in the missing words. You can listen to the poem more than once. (refer to page 102 for transcript)
Ans: I’m a parrot, my name is Paro, My feathers are bright and they glow. In the morning, I spread my wings, Fly around and see wonderful things. Come with me through the skies so blue, To places old and places new. Among the trees, where the breeze is light, Many new stories, oh, what a sight!
Let us write (Page no. 91)
Q1. Now, discuss with your teacher and classmates how you think the world would look to the following:
(a) a baby (b) a fish
(a) A Baby:
A baby’s world is mostly limited to its crib and the immediate surroundings.
It sees the world through the faces of its parents and caregivers.
Everything seems large and fascinating.
The baby perceives the world through touch and sounds.
The world is colorful and filled with new experiences every day.
(b) A Fish:
A fish’s world is underwater, surrounded by other aquatic life.
It sees the world through the lens of the water, with a blue-green tint.
The fish perceives its environment through the movement of water.
It explores the underwater plants, rocks, and corals.
The world for a fish is vast and filled with different aquatic creatures.
Q3. Now, write five sentences each, for both (a) and (b), in your notebooks.
(Answer will be same as above)
Let us explore (Page no. 91)
Q1. The bird’s first home was made of a shell. Later its home was among
leaves and made of straw.
• Look at your home carefully and make a list of all the materials it is
made of.
• Why do you think our homes are not made of straw?
• If you had to own a home of your choice, what would it look like and
what materials would you like to use?
• How is a home different from a house? Discuss with your classmates
and teacher.
Example: mason Lays bricks and stones
1. painter
2. electrician
3. plumber
4. carpenter
5. architect
Look at the list of some workers who build houses. Find out the
work they do and write, as shown in the example. You can think of
other workers and add them too.
Workers | Their work |
painter | Paints walls and surfaces |
electrician | Installs and repairs wiring |
plumber | Fixes pipes and water systems |
carpenter | Makes wooden furniture |
architect | Designs buildings |
You can think of other workers and add them too.
Workers | Their work |
roofer | Installs and repairs roofs |
landscaper | Designs and maintains gardens |
tiler | Lays tiles on floors and walls |
glazier | Installs and repairs glass |