Chapter 04Timeline and Sources of History Text Book Solutions
The Big Questions (Page 59)
Q1: How do we measure historical time?
Ans: Historical time is measured using calendars and eras marked by significant events. The Gregorian calendar is commonly used worldwide, but other calendars like Hindu, Muslim, Jewish, and Chinese are also used. Historical time is divided into periods such as BCE (Before Common Era) and CE (Common Era), with major events marking the beginning of new eras. Timelines help in visualizing the sequence of historical events.
Q2: How can various sources help us understand history?
Ans: Various sources such as archaeological finds, literary texts, oral traditions, and artistic works help us understand history. Archaeologists study physical remains like tools, pottery, and buildings. Literary sources include ancient manuscripts and historical texts. Oral traditions pass down stories and folklore. Artistic sources like paintings and sculptures provide insights into the culture and beliefs of past societies. By gathering information from these diverse sources, historians reconstruct and interpret historical events.
Q3: How did early humans live?
Ans: Early humans lived as hunters and gatherers, relying on hunting animals and collecting edible plants for survival. They lived in temporary shelters like caves and rock shelters. Early humans used fire and made tools like stone axes and blades. They communicated using languages that are now lost and created rock paintings. Over time, they began to cultivate crops and domesticate animals, leading to settled agricultural communities. This marked the beginning of social complexity and technological advancements.
Back Exercises (Page 74)
Q1: As a project, write the history of your family (or village if you live in one), using sources of history at your disposal. Ask your teacher to guide you.
Ans: (These questions need to be attempted by the students themselves. We have provided some sample answers.)
Family History Project:
- Paternal Great-Grandfather: Ram Singh, farmer, born in 1890 in a small village in Uttar Pradesh. Information from family stories and an old photograph.
- Maternal Great-Grandmother: Sita Devi, homemaker, born in 1895 in a nearby village. Information from an old diary.
- Paternal Grandfather: Mohan Singh, teacher, born in 1920 in Uttar Pradesh. Information from his teaching certificates and family anecdotes.
- Maternal Grandmother: Radha Devi, homemaker, born in 1925. Information from her marriage certificate and my mother’s recollections.
- Father: Suresh Singh, engineer, born in 1960. Information from his engineering degree and personal conversations.
- Mother: Meena Singh, doctor, born in 1965. Information from her medical degree and personal stories.
Q2: Can we compare historians to detectives? Give reasons for your answers.
Ans: Historians can indeed be compared to detectives because both professions involve meticulous investigation and analysis to uncover truths. Just as detectives gather evidence, interview witnesses, and reconstruct events to solve a case, historians collect artifacts, study ancient texts, and analyse various sources to piece together historical narratives. Both must critically evaluate the reliability of their sources and make informed interpretations to present a coherent account of past events
Q3: Exercises with dates:
- Place these dates chronologically on the timeline: 323 CE, 323 BCE, 100 CE, 100 BCE, 1900 BCE, 1090 CE, 2024 CE.
Ans: 1900 BCE, 323 BCE, 100 BCE, 323 CE, 100 CE, 1090 CE, 2024 CE.
- If King Chandragupta was born in 320 CE, which century did he belong to? And how many years was that after the Buddha’s birth?
Ans: King Chandragupta was born in the 4th century CE. If the Buddha was born in 560 BCE, then 320 CE is 320 + 560 – 1 = 879 years after the Buddha’s birth.
- Rani of Jhansi was born in 1828. Which century did she belong to? How many years was that before India’s Independence?
Ans: Rani of Jhansi was born in the 19th century CE. India gained independence in 1947, so 1828 is 1947 – 1828 = 119 years before India’s Independence.
- Turn ‘12,000 years ago’ into a date.
Ans: Assuming the current year is 2024 CE, 12,000 years ago would be 2024 – 12,000 = 9976 BCE.
Q4: Plan a visit to a nearby museum: the visit should be prepared with some prior research on the kind of exhibits the museum holds. Keep notes during the visit. Write a brief report afterward, highlighting what was unexpected/interesting/fun about the visit and the exhibits.
Ans: (These questions need to be attempted by the students themselves. We have provided some sample answers.)
Museum Visit Report:
- Preparation: Before visiting the National Museum, I researched its exhibits online and found that it houses artifacts from ancient India, including sculptures, coins, and manuscripts.
- During the Visit: I kept notes on the different sections, focusing on the Harappan Gallery, the Gupta Period artifacts, and the Buddhist Art section.
- Report: The visit to the National Museum was enlightening. The most unexpected find was the intricacy of the Harappan pottery, which displayed remarkable craftsmanship for such an ancient civilization. The Buddhist Art section was fascinating, with beautifully preserved statues and reliefs depicting scenes from the Buddha’s life. I found it particularly interesting how the museum had interactive displays that made learning fun and engaging. The visit highlighted the rich cultural heritage of India and deepened my appreciation for historical studies.
Q5: Invite to your school an archaeologist or a historian and ask them to speak on the history of your region and why it’s important to know it.
Ans: (These questions need to be attempted by the students themselves. We have provided some sample answers.)
- Event Planning and Execution: We invited Dr. Anjali Verma, a well-known historian specializing in regional history, to our school. The event was organized in the school auditorium, and students from all grades were invited.
- Speech Highlights: Dr. Verma spoke about the ancient history of our region, emphasizing the importance of the archaeological site nearby, which dates back to the Mauryan period. She explained how the artifacts found there, such as pottery, coins, and inscriptions, provide insights into the daily lives and trade practices of the people from that era.
- Importance of Regional History: Dr. Verma highlighted that understanding our regional history helps us appreciate our cultural heritage and identity. It also allows us to learn from the past and preserve it for future generations.
- Feedback and Reflection: The session was highly interactive, with students asking many questions about the archaeological process and the significance of local historical findings. The event was successful in sparking interest in history among students and underscored the importance of preserving our historical sites.