Chapter 09 Family and Community Solutions
05/11/2024Chapter 11 Grassroots Democracy — Part 2: Local Government in Rural Areas Solutions
05/11/2024Chapter 10 Grassroots Democracy — Part 1: Governance Text Book Solutions
The Big Questions (Page 149)
Q1: What is the meaning of ‘governance’?
Ans: Governance is the process of taking decisions, organizing the society’s life with different sets of rules, and ensuring that they are followed.
Q2: Why do we need a government?
Ans: We need a government to create and enforce rules that maintain order and harmony in society, provide public services, protect rights, and ensure justice and equality.
Q3: What is the meaning of ‘democracy’? Why is it important?
Ans: Democracy is a system of government where the people rule, either directly or through elected representatives. It is important because it ensures the participation of citizens in decision-making, protects individual freedoms, and promotes equality and justice.
Back Exercises (Page 161)
Q1: What is the meaning of democracy? What is the difference between direct democracy and representative democracy?
Ans: Democracy is a form of government where the power to make decisions lies with the people. In a democracy, citizens have the right to participate in decision-making processes, either directly or through elected representatives.
- Direct Democracy: In a direct democracy, all citizens have the opportunity to participate directly in decision-making. This means that every citizen can vote on laws and policies. Examples include ancient Athens and modern-day referendums where citizens vote on specific issues.
- Representative Democracy: In a representative democracy, citizens elect representatives who make decisions on their behalf. These representatives are accountable to the people and are expected to act in their best interests. Examples include most modern democracies like India, the United States, and the United Kingdom, where elected officials such as Members of Parliament (MPs) or Members of Legislative Assembly (MLAs) represent the citizens.
Q2: Recall the three organs of government. What are their different roles?
Ans: The three organs of government are:
- Legislature:
The legislature is responsible for making laws. This process involves debating and passing legislation that governs the country.
It also has the power to amend or repeal existing laws.
The legislature represents the will of the people and holds the executive accountable.
- Executive:
The executive is responsible for implementing and enforcing laws. This includes the head of state (such as the President or Prime Minister), ministers, and various government agencies.
It administers public policy and oversees the functioning of the government.
The executive also manages public services and ensures law and order.
- Judiciary:
The judiciary interprets laws and ensures they are applied fairly. This includes courts and judges who resolve disputes and determine the legality of actions.
It protects the rights of citizens and ensures justice.
The judiciary can review the constitutionality of laws and executive actions.
Q3: Why do we need three tiers of government?
Ans: The three tiers of government—local, state, and national—allow for effective administration and governance by addressing issues at different levels. This structure helps in better resource management, localized decision-making, and efficient implementation of policies.
Local Government:
Local governments handle issues and services that are specific to towns, cities, and villages. These include sanitation, local roads, and community services.
They are closer to the people and can address local needs and problems more effectively.
State Government:
State governments manage matters that are beyond the scope of local governments but are still specific to a particular region or state. These include education, health, and infrastructure development.
They have the authority to make decisions that reflect the needs and priorities of their state’s population.
National Government:
The national government handles issues that affect the entire country. These include defense, foreign policy, and national economic policies.
It ensures unity and coordination among the states and represents the country at the international level.
Having three tiers of government allows for a more balanced distribution of power and responsibilities. It ensures that decisions are made at the appropriate level, taking into account local, regional, and national considerations. This structure promotes efficiency, accountability, and responsiveness to the diverse needs of the population.
Q4. Project: Many of you will remember the lockdown that took place during the COVID-19 pandemic. Make a list of all the actions that were taken at that time? Which tiers of government were involved in managing the situation? What was the role of each of the organs of government?
[These questions need to be attempted by students themselves. Here we have provided a sample answer.]
Ans: Actions Taken During COVID-19 Lockdown:
Imposition of lockdowns and curfews.
Implementation of social distancing measures.
Closure of schools, colleges, and non-essential businesses.
Introduction of remote working and online education.
Distribution of relief packages and essential supplies.
Establishment of quarantine centers and COVID-19 testing facilities.
Enforcement of mask mandates and sanitization protocols.
Launch of vaccination drives.
Travel restrictions and suspension of public transport.
Public awareness campaigns about COVID-19 prevention.
Tiers of Government Involved:
Central Government: Imposed nationwide lockdowns and issued guidelines for states to follow.
State Government: Implemented lockdown measures within their respective states.
Local Government: Enforced lockdowns and curfews at the city and district levels.
Roles of the Organs of Government:
- Legislature:
Passed emergency legislation to support COVID-19 measures.
Approved budgets for relief packages and healthcare infrastructure.
Held discussions and debates on the effectiveness of government actions.
- Executive:
Implemented lockdowns and health guidelines.
Coordinated efforts across various government departments and agencies.
Ensured the distribution of relief and medical supplies.
- Judiciary:
Interpreted and upheld the legality of lockdown measures and restrictions.
Addressed legal disputes related to COVID-19 policies.
Ensured that government actions were in line with constitutional rights.