Chapter 3 Rama to the Rescue Worksheet Solutions
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
Q1: What was the man doing when he sighed?
(a) Eating
(b) Yawning
(c) Running
(d) Sleeping
Ans: (b)
Q2: Who was Rama in the village?
(a) A thief
(b) A farmer
(c) A Kotwal
(d) A merchant
Ans: (c)
Q3: What did the wife suggest when she heard noises outside?
(a) To scream
(b) To listen
(c) To run away
(d) To call Rama
Ans: (b)
Q4: What did the couple pretend to discuss to trick the thief?
(a) Their money
(b) Their child’s name
(c) Their travel plans
(d) Their dinner
Ans: (b)
Q5: How did the thief react to the couple calling “Rama”?
(a) He laughed
(b) He panicked
(c) He stayed still
(d) He went to sleep
Ans: (b)
Fill in the Blanks
Q1: The man sighed as he yawned and ________.
Ans: stretched
Q2: The couple heard faint noises coming from ________ their house.
Ans: outside
Q3: Rama was the village ________.
Ans: Kotwal
Q4: The thief wondered where they kept their ________.
Ans: money
Q5: The couple’s plan to call “Rama” made the thief believe they were summoning the ________.
Ans: watchman
Q1: The couple heard the thief trying to get in from inside their house.
Ans: True
Q2: The thief was uninterested in the couple’s conversation about their child.
Ans: False
Q3: Rama was the name of the couple’s son.
Ans: False
Q4: The thief believed that Rama was the Kotwal.
Ans: True
Q5: The couple’s plan was to scare the thief by calling out for Rama.
Ans: True
Answer in One Word
Q1: Who was the Kotwal of the village?
Ans: Rama
Q2: What was the thief trying to steal?
Ans: Money
Q3: What was broken by the thief to get into the house?
Ans: Wall
Q4: How did the couple alert Rama to the thief?
Ans: Call
Q5: What did the thief get when he tried to escape?
Ans: Caught
Creative Questions
Q1: What could be another clever way for the couple to scare away the thief without calling out Rama’s name?
Ans: They could pretend to have a large, protective dog by making barking sounds.
Q2: If you were in the couple’s situation, what would you do differently to ensure your safety?
Ans: I would silently alert the authorities using a mobile phone or signal a neighbor for help.
Q3: Describe in a few sentences how the thief must have felt when he heard “Rama” being called repeatedly.
Ans: The thief likely felt a mix of confusion and fear. He must have been anxious, thinking the watchman was being summoned and that his plan was about to be foiled.
Q4: Why do you think the couple chose the name “Rama” to call out instead of another name?
Ans: They chose “Rama” because it was the name of the watchman, which would naturally alarm the thief if overheard.
Q5: Imagine Rama did not hear the couple calling. What do you think would have happened next?
Ans: If Rama did not hear the couple, the thief might have eventually fallen asleep or continued searching for valuables, giving the couple time to come up with another plan or escape safely.