Chapter 12 Yoga A Way of Life Worksheet
05/11/2024Chapter 13 Hamara Bharat-Incredible India! Worksheet
05/11/2024Worksheet Solutions: Yoga—A Way of Life
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
Q1: Yoga is a practice that originated in:
(a) China
(b) Japan
(c) India
(d) USA
Ans: c
Q2: Who presented the ancient tradition of yoga in a systematic way in ‘Yoga Sutras of Patanjali’?
(a) Buddha
(b) Patanjali
(c) Mahavira
(d) Adi Shankara
Ans: b
Q3: What did Sage Patanjali describe yoga as?
(a) A means to make the mind noisy
(b) A means to make the mind quiet
(c) A means to increase distractions
(d) A means to decrease concentration
Ans: b
Q4: What did the World Health Organisation (WHO) launch on 20th June 2021?
(a) WHO mYoga App
(b) WHO Fitness App
(c) WHO Meditation App
(d) WHO Diet App
Ans: a
Q5: What does yoga promote?
(a) Stress and anxiety
(b) Weight gain
(c) Overall well-being
(d) Distractions
Ans: c
Fill in the Blanks
Q1: The word ‘Yoga’ comes from the Sanskrit root ‘yuj’, which means ‘to _______.’
Ans: join
Q2: Yoga postures (asanas) help to stretch and strengthen the _______, increase flexibility, endurance, and balance.
Ans: muscles
Q3: Yoga involves breathing techniques and _______, which can help to calm the mind and reduce stress and anxiety.
Ans: meditation
Q4: Yoga has been shown to boost the _______ system.
Ans: immune
Q5: The World Health Organisation (WHO) launched an App called WHO _______ on 20th June 2021.
Ans: mYoga
True or False
Q1: Yoga postures do not help in increasing flexibility.
Ans: False
Q2: Yoga can reduce stress and anxiety.
Ans: True
Q3: Yoga has no impact on heart health.
Ans: False
Q4: WHO mYoga App was launched to discourage people from practicing yoga.
Ans: False
Q5: Practicing yoga can help in weight gain.
Ans: False
Match the Following
Column A |
Column B |
1. Yoga postures (asanas) |
help to stretch and strengthen the muscles, increase flexibility, endurance, and balance. |
2. Yoga involves breathing techniques and meditation |
which can help to calm the mind and reduce stress and anxiety. |
3. Yoga has been shown to boost the immune system. |
It can improve heart health by lowering blood pressure and improving circulation. |
4. Yoga can aid in weight loss |
by burning calories and maintaining health. |
5. Yoga promotes a sense of overall well-being. |
This is the reason why the benefits of practising yoga are internationally recognized. |
1 – a
2 – b
3 – c
4 – d
5 – e